Kiocah on DeviantArt

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Kiocah's avatar

I like conversations: Long stamp.



A long stamp for my page. I know, it's not pretty, that's because I don't really have any programs to make it so.

I find that this is a common problem. Unless you're a new deviant, or you're under a certain amount of pageviews/watchers/anything, people seem to find you unapproachable or intimidating. Even scary. A few will comment on your page and start conversations, but mostly people just lurk in the corners and keep to themselves.

So this is to let you all know that I'm actually not going to ignore you if you comment.
Say anything you want, I love talking to people and making new friends.

EDIT: Wow, this has gotten REALLY popular. Thank you to everyone who has used it, and feel free to keep doing so. I won't remove it or anything. c:
I'm glad there are so many people that you can talk to. <3 Keep on conversing, folks.


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